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Oleander, native of India, Iran and Afghanistan, in our long history of cultivation, urban and rural areas throughout the north and south. Likes the adequate light, warm and humid climate conditions. Red and white two. Evergreen shrub, up to 5 meters, water liquid, glabrous. 3-4 pieces of leaf whorls, the lower part of the students in the branches, narrow-lanceolate, 11-15 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, light green below; lateral veins flat, dense and parallel. Apical cymes; Calyx erect; Corolla dark red, fragrant, Double; Vice Corolla scaly, the top tear. Follicle fruit oblong, 10-23 cm, 1.5-2 cm in diameter; seeds to the top with a brown species of hair.
Starry, formerly known as silk carnation petals, Mediterranean origin. Is a perennial herbaceous flowers pink. Evergreen dwarf shrubs, and its height is about 65-70 cm, stem thin skin smooth, many branches, leaves long and narrow, sessile, opposite, light green leaves. When assembled in the early summer, the branches numerous buds, flowers small, such as beans, each flower 5, white clouds, slightly slightly fragrant, like a million stars shining, hanging over the sky. If you overlook a glance, and if the early morning fog, evening Xia smoke, it is also the alias "Xia grass."

常绿灌木,高达2m。叶对生或3叶轮生,叶片革质,长椭圆形或倒卵状披针形,长5~14cm,宽2~7cm,全缘;托叶2片,通常连合成筒状包围小枝。花单生于枝端或叶腋,白色,芳香;花萼绿色,圆筒状;花冠高脚碟状,裂片5或较多;子房下位。花期5~7月,果期8~11月。 性喜温暖湿润气候,好阳光但又不能经受强烈阳光照射,适宜生长在疏松、肥沃、排水良好、轻粘性酸性土壤中,是典型的酸性花卉。
Evergreen shrub, up to 2m. Leaves opposite or 3 impeller life, leaves leathery, oblong or obovate-lanceolate, long-5 ~ 14cm, width of 2 ~ 7cm, entire; stipules 2, usually surrounded with twig-like synthetic tube. Flowers solitary, terminal or axillary branches, white, fragrant; calyx green, cylindrical; Corolla tall dish, lobes 5 or more; ovary inferior. 5 July flowering, fruit 8 to 11 months. Likes the warm and humid climate, good sun but can not withstand strong sunlight, suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well drained, acidic soil in light viscosity, is a typical acidic flowers.

五色梅Colored plum
Colored plum, vine-like shrub or semi-erect, up to 2 meters high, have a strong smell, the whole plant was short hairs. Stems often under the barbed hook. Leaves opposite, ovate or oblong-ovate. Seasonal flowering, inflorescence axillary, corolla tall dish, 4 ~ 5 crack, red, pink, yellow, orange, white and other colors, hence the name "colored plums." Drupe globular, fleshy, purple when ripe.
 叶似桑叶,也有圆叶。腋生喇叭状花朵,有单瓣和重瓣,最大花径达25厘米,常绿大灌木或小乔木。茎直立而多分枝,高可达6米。叶互生,阔卵形至狭卵形,长7~10厘米,具3主脉,先端突尖或渐尖,叶缘有粗锯齿或缺刻,基部近全缘,秃净或背脉有少许疏毛,形似桑叶。花大,有下垂或直上之柄,单生于上部叶腋间,有单瓣、重瓣之分;单瓣 者漏斗形,重瓣者非漏斗形,呈红、黄、粉、白等色,花期全年,夏秋最盛。
Mulberry leaves may also have round leaves. Trumpet-shaped flowers axillary, there univalve and plena, the largest flower diameter of 25 cm, evergreen large shrub or small tree. And multi-branched stems erect, up to 6 meters. Leaves alternate, broadly ovate to narrowly ovate, 7 to 10 cm, with 3 main veins, apex suddenly or acuminate, margin coarsely toothed or notched, base nearly entire, bald back of the net, or there is a little sparse pulse hair, the shape of mulberry leaves. Large flowers in drooping of the handle or straight, single, born between the upper leaf axils, with univalve, plena to the other; ill with those funnel-shaped, funnel-shaped petals are not, were red, yellow, pink, white and other colors, flowering throughout the year, summer and fall height.

Jasmine, a small evergreen shrub or vine-like shrub, variety, beautiful appearance. Hi jasmine very fat, as long as proper maintenance, potted jasmine flowers three times a year can be. If it is insufficient fertilizer, nutrient is not enough, once spent, you will not bloom. Management in place, you can keep open from the end of May to early November. The key is pruning, sunlight, and fertilizer on the subject.
杜鹃Sims Azalea
Mainly refers to a cuckoo flower, it is the Ericaceae in a small shrub with evergreen, there are deciduous, temperate parts of the northern hemisphere, there is the distribution of rhododendron, mainly in Asia, Europe and North America, in China there are 530 species.

金丝桃St. John's wort
Hypericum also known as soil forsythia, Division for the semi-evergreen Hypericum shrubs, semi-shrubs: the growth of each quarter on the ground to wither as a perennial underground. Branchlets slender, and many branches and leaves of paper, sessile, opposite, oblong, flowering from June to July, a common set of synthetic flowers 3-7 cymes with students in the top branches, the flower color is not only golden, but it was thin filament bundle is also illuminating as heavenly golden stamens, lovingly. Is that people are willing to cultivation of flowers and trees.
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